The Digital Libraries Federation is a project which gathers metadata information about resources published by several polish digital libraries and repositories and makes it available through one web interface ( The Digital Libraries Federation is maintained by the Pozna? Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, and the PSNC Digital Libraries Team is responsible for the DLF development.
The search add-ons are also available for users of Firefox browser. It allows search publications directly from the browser’s search box. You can also put the search box directly on your website or blog.
Currently there are more than 178k publications, which can be searched and read online:
As Bo?ena Bednarek-Michalska from Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library have said, the main problems to polish digital libraries are now: lack of financial and substantive support and no state coordination in the process of digitization. There are also troubles with restrictive copyrights and lack of widely accepted standards.