Schlagwort-Archive: Photography

Sustainable Archives, Austin 2009


Die Society of American Archivists hält vom 11.-16. August ihr Jahrestreffen in Austin, Texas ab. Das Programm ist in vielerlei Hinsicht vielversprechend. Im Voraus finden ein- bis zweitägige Workshops zur Weiterbildung statt, wo man seine Kompetenzen punktuell erweitern kann. Diese Workshops sind entweder technisch (XML, DMS, Scanner Performance), betriebswirtschaftlich (Raising Private Monies to support Archival Programs) oder auf inhaltliche Kompenzen ausgerichtet. Unter den letzteren wird beispielsweise „Visual Literacy for Managing Photograph Collections“ angeboten.

Flickr Commons Expands

The photosharing website Flickr has expanded its „Commons“ project. I wrote about the first iteration several months ago describing the decision by the American Library of Congress to allow the public to start marking up images from their collection. Since that time, Flickr (owned by Yahoo!) has expanded the number of its partners to include the Smithsonian Institution, the Brooklyn Museum, the George Eastman House, the Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, the Bibliothèque de Toulouse, the National Media Museum, and the Powerhouse Museum. These additions to the project have increased the number of images available through the commons exponentially and, because the images being deposited in the Commons are being chosen with some care, this collection is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting, if idiosyncratic collections of photographs available to the general public.