Schlagwort-Archive: public domain

Public Domain Calculators

Public Domain Calculators from Open Knowledge Foundation on Vimeo.

Mit der Hilfe eines Public Domain Calculators lässt sich die unterschiedlich lange Schutzdauer von urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material berechnen. Was nämlich einfach tönt, ist, vor allem in einem multinationalen Kontext, nicht immer ganz trivial. Ein Film der Open Knowledge Foundation zeigt sehr anschaulich, um was es bei diesem Projekt geht. Der Film ist im Rahmen des EU-Projektes COMMUNIA entstanden.

Can heritage be copyrighted? Is memory a public domain?


Strong discussion on the polish internet takes place nowadays because of the Fiat advertisement created by Leo Burnett. This polish version of very similar conceptions which could be seen in France or Italy is now being accused of using public memory for the commercial purposes:

see it on YouTube

To tell the truth, Fiat became a part of polish history. But for many people using an image of Solidarity movement, Lech Wa??sa, John Paul II or even the Warsaw Uprising in the advertisement is a violation of principle in which great historical moments and personalities can not be owned by any political or commercial circle – they are a public domain of memory and can not be credited to the one company or political party.